Company Prefix
A company prefix - sometimes called a manufacturer number - is assigned by by the barcode standards body GS1. A company prefix uniquely identifies each individual company when used as part of a barcode like a UPC or GS1-128, or a data structure like a GTIN (Global Trade Item Number).
Numbering systems that incorporate a company prefix eliminate the need for a centralized master database. If each company correctly uses their own company prefix for product and shipping labels, each barcode and data structure will be unique.
What is a company prefix used for?
Company prefixes are part of
- GDTI (Global Document Type Identifiers)
- GIAI (Global Individual Asset Identifiers)
- GINC (Global Identification Numbers for Consignment)
- GLN (Global Location Numbers)
- GRAI (Global Returnable Asset Identifiers)
- GS1-128 (GS1 Code 128 barcodes)
- GSIN (Global Shipment Identification Numbers)
- GSRN (Global Service Relation Numbers)
- GTIN (Global Trade Item Numbers)
- SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Codes)
- UPC (Universal Product Code barcodes)
Where to start?
Do you need your first UPC barcodes for your products? Here’s a primer on getting started with UPCs.
If you’re in the United States apply for a company prefix with GS1 US. In other countries, start with GS1 Global.
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